Firefighters can see that human-induced climate change is making fire seasons longer and more intense. Cam Walker argues that we all have to counter the right-wing conspiracy misinformation campaign.
Climate crisis
While road transport is necessary, even urgent in some places, the climate emergency also demands alternatives to road and air transport for people and goods in a continent as vast as Australia, argues Pip Hinman.
Tanya Plibersek claims Australia is on track to meet its climate targets, but research shows that when land sector emissions are removed from the modelling, the country’s emissions are increasing. Binoy Kampmark reports.
Friends of the Earth Australia has slammed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s release of the Coalition nuclear policy, describing it as a “nuclear nightmare” and a “cynical ploy to keep burning coal and gas”.
Susan Price reviews Adam Hanieh’s new book, Crude Capitalism, which analyses oil’s place in the global capitalist system and the changes in the world oil market.
The NT Country Liberal Party has appointed a Territory Coordinator even before a law has been passed detailing their brief and powers. However, as Stephen W Enciso reports, it is clear what the CLP’s intent is.
Isaac Nellist spoke with Green Left's Latin American correspondent Ben Radford about various grassroots struggles against mining and climate destruction, for workers' rights and access to education.
Climate campaigner, unionist and Socialist Alliance member Zane Alcorn is a guest on the latest Green Left Show to discuss the People’s Blockade of the world’s largest coal port.
Protesters across the country called on Labor to reconsider the approval of three new coal mines. Coral Wynter reports.
While good reporting helps us to be aware of, and understand current events, social change is a long-term endeavour that requires imagination, vision and deconstruction of the status quo. This forum explores the vital role of storytelling.
A high-altitude isolated depression that hit Spain, especially the province of Valencia, at the end of October turned into the deadliest climate-related catastrophe in Spain this century, writes Miguel Urban Crespo.
Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss the 2024 People’s Blockade of the world’s biggest coal port in Muloobinba/Newcastle.
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