Federico Fuentes explains what happened in the Venezuelan elections, what it means and where it leaves the solidarity movement.
Labor now wants to keep the national broadband network, NBN Co, in public ownership, tabling a bill in parliament to that effect. Jim McIlroy reports.
Newcastle and the Hunter region in New South Wales are the focus of the Monumental Imaginaries exhibition. Cathy Peters reviews the works of artists commenting on the magnitude of the transformation required for a rapid energy transition.
Thousands of small farmers, landless peasants and agricultural workerscame from across Pakistan on October 6 to demand a minimum support price for their produce and an end to corporate farming and land grabs, reports Susan Price.
Dmitry Pozhidaev reviews Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value, by Guglielmo Carchedi and Michael Roberts, which aims to explain 21st-century capitalism through Karl Marx’s value theory.
While so many struggle to meet rising household bills, Labor refuses to take action to stop the supermarket duopoly from price gouging. Josh Adams reports.
The COVID-19 pandemic was an accelerant for money-pinching administrative bureaucrats to experiment with eliminating student-teacher classes. Binoy Kampmark reports.
Sri Lanka’s presidential elections represent a historic change in representative politics and mark a new beginning, with many challenges for progressive forces, reports Janaka Biyanwila.
Labor is accusing the Greens of working with the Coalition to stop it from enacting its “Help to Buy” scheme. The Greens respond it will only help 0.2% of those needing a place to call home and want to negotiate something better. Alex Bainbridge reports.
Labor’s new aged-care reform package, with a focus on support at home, is an improvement in some areas, but falls short of what the elderly need. Meredith Lawrence reports
Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six new books for ecosocialists, including a new translation of Marx’s Capital, the role of animal poo in Earth’s life support systems, and more.
Progressive International’s Tanya Singh spoke to Haqooq-e-Khalq Party (People’s Rights Party, HKP) co-founder Ammar Ali Jan about the challenges of building a new workers’ party in Pakistan — and the HKP’s recent victories for Lahore’s most vulnerable workers.
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