The Swedish Social Democrats lost government and the country will now be led by conservatives reliant on the right-wing, xenophobic Sweden Democrats for support, reports Kjell Östberg.
Far right
Canadian politics took another step toward the far right with the election of Pierre Poilievre as leader of the federal Conservative Party on September 10, reports Jeff Shantz.
The new king, however powerful, will not be able to solve the new prime minister’s dilemmas regarding Britain’s deep economic and social crisis, writes Martin Clarke.
Far-right president Jair Bolsonaro has used the bicentennial of Brazil’s Independence to ratchet up the heat in the country’s presidential election campaign, writes Federico Fuentes.
Right-wing groups ran a campaign of disinformation to undermine support for the “Yes” vote in Chile's constitutional referendum, reports Ana Zorita.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Semra Güzel, a 38-year-old medical doctor, became the latest elected representative of this major left-wing party to be jailed in Turkey, reports Peter Boyle.
Former Brazilian President Luíz Inácio “Lula” da Silva is now in the lead in the polls ahead of the first round of Brazil’s presidential election to be held on October 2, reports Vijay Prashad.
For Narendra Modi's regime, the 75th anniversary of India’s independence is an opportunity to distort and rewrite history in the service of its own agenda, writes CPIML (Liberation).
Thousands of people took the streets across Brazil on August 11 in defence of democracy, amid fears that far-right President Jair Bolsonaro may attempt a coup if he fails to be reelected in October, reports Ana Zorita.
Brazilian socialist: Like Trump at the Capitol, Bolsonaro wants to create ‘institutional turbulence’
Socialism and Freedom Party general secretary Israel Dutra outlines the increasingly dangerous political situation leading up to the October 2 national elections and how the left is fighting back.
Britain’s impressively dishonest and disorganised right-wing Prime Minister Boris Johnson is leaving office, and just about everybody is pleased to see the back of him, writes Derek Wall.
About 30,000 people, including more than 100 international guests, attended the 5th Congress of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in Ankara, Turkey on July 3, reports Peter Boyle.
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