Film & theatre

The Snowy Mountains is home to the headwaters of the Snowy, Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers. A new film shows how the delicate alpine ecosystem that supports these vital water sources is being trampled, writes Jim McIlroy.

Barry Healy reviews a new film on the life of Eleanor Marx, the fourth daughter of Jenny and Karl Marx, and a lifelong socialist writer, translator and organiser.

What to watch on Halloween is certainly not the most pressing question for those interested in more substantial redistributions than popcorn and candy, writes Aleks Wansbrough. But there’s good reason for the left to be interested in horror films.

Waiting for Anya film

Barry Healy reviews a recent film about how French villagers saved Jewish children from the Holocaust during World War II.

Ssangyong workers strike, inset Lee Jung-jae

Alex Salmon reviews Squid Game, a dystopian tale set in Asia's economic "miracle".

Nahuel Pérez Biscayart and Lars Eidinger in Persian Lessons

Barry Healy reviews a new film about a Belgian Jew who survives the Holocaust by pretending to be Persian.

Barry Healy reviews a darkly comedic, yet deeply insightful study of the complex nuances of masculinity.

Blake returns to a washed out Earth to see if life can reproduce there

Barry Healy reviews The Colony, where devastation has overtaken Earth and the rich have evacuated the planet.

Clayne Crawford, Sepideh Moafi and Chris Coy in the bleak but stunning The Killing of Two Lovers

Barry Healy reviews an intense and stunning thriller written and directed by Robert Machoian, set in the Utah mountains.

Afghan women in the 19070s

As a tsunami of crocodile tears engulfs Western politicians, Afghanistan's history is suppressed, writes John Pilger.

Barry Healy reviews a laid-back, feel-good (and forgettable) film starring Jake Johnson and Susan Sarandon.

Filmmaker Alfred Pek's new documentary exposes Australia’s cruel border protection policy by telling the moving stories of three refugees stuck in limbo in Indonesia.