Hands off Glebe and Action for Public Housing hosted an online forum to discuss how best to defend New South Wales public housing from the state government’s plan to sell it off. Rachel Evans reports.
Workers in the housing and homelessness sector are one of the most undervalued and unappreciated workers. Angela Carr reports.
Berlin’s referendum to expropriate corporate landlords is a watershed moment for rental politics and a rare win against international real estate capital, reports Thomas McGath.
Activist gardening collective Growing Forward held an action outside the offices of luxury developer Bluebird Property. Alex Bainbridge reports.
The big shift in wealth from non-owners of residential property to owners continues. Renfrey Clarke argues the federal government’s efforts to inflate its way out of the COVID-19 economic slump have made upward pressures on housing prices extreme.
Frustration with Justin Trudeau's ruling neoliberal government and the bumbling fake populism of the conservatives have provided an opening for a progressive alternative in Canada, writes Jeff Shantz.
Residents of the social housing estate Common Ground are demanding compensation for the harsh and over-policed lockdown. Rachel Evans and Robin Elhaj report.
A social housing estate in Sydney's Inner West run by Mission Australia was put into hard lockdown on September 2, without the residents being given any warning. Rachel Evans reports.
Rachel Evans reports on growing community opposition to the proposed redevelopment of Blackwattle Bay.
A vigil for Alana Garlett, who died homeless on the streets last month, was organised to say 'never again'. Petrina Harley reports.
Federico Fuentes speaks to housing activist Thomas McGath about the campaign to liberate housing in Berlin from the market.
After a lifetime of raising children and contributing to the country’s wealth, women are being hung out to dry by state and federal governments, writes Suzanne James.
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