Judy Hannan (left)

Suzanne James spoke to newly-elected female Independent MP Judy Hannan about the opportunities for a progressive cross-bench with a minority NSW Labor government.

LGBTIQ rights

The Republican onslaught against LGBTIQ communities in the United States is escalating, reports Barry Sheppard. So far this year, 51 anti LGBTIQ bills have passed in 18 Republican-controlled states.


Colonial-era laws are still used to oppress LGBTQ+ Africans, writes Efemia Chela, but the struggle to organise grassroots mutual aid and for legal rights continues.

Thousands marched for trans day of visibility across the country

The following open letter about trans rights was initiated by Community Action for Rainbow Rights and Pride in Protest.

Indigenous communities have deep histories of gender nonconforming and trans mobs, argues Ethan Lyons.

A powerful and defiant Trans Visibility Day action was organised in Newtown after weeks of escalating vilification violence against the trans and gay community from right-wing groups. Peter Boyle and Isaac Nellist report.

Norrie argues it is embarrassing that NSW is now behind much of the world, and other Australian states, in making gender self-identification legal.

There was a good turn-out for the annual Geelong Pride March and Festival, organised by Geelong Rainbow. Sarah Hathway reports.

“We don’t surrender,” One Nation's Mark Latham said recently. He is using a legal loophole to try and get two representatives in the NSW Legislative Council to push his bigoted agenda. Paul Gregoire reports.

Cuban Family Code

Natalia Marques spoke to young activists in Cuba to find out how the new law was won through grassroots dialogue.

Attacks on LGBTIQ protesters outside a church where One Nation leader Mark Latham was speaking have alarmed many activists. Sue Bull reports. 

Hundreds of trans rights supporters demonstrated their solidarity and opposition to transphobic agitator Kellie-Jay Keen Minshull’s speaking engagement at Parliament House. Darren Saffin reports.