National liberation

David Robie joins the Green Left Show to discuss the current revolt in Kanaky/New Caledonia.

Kanaks protesting in Paris

Colin Falconer provides invaluable background to the uprising in Kanaky/New Caledonia, over France's latest attempt to derail independence.

The ICC prosecutor’s assessment follows the now increasingly acknowledged claim that Israel’s army and security forces have unleashed needless killing and suffering. Binoy Kampmark reports.

mural in a bus stop in Kanaky

Respected journalist, author and solidarity activist David Robie writes that while Paris reacts with a heavy-handed security crackdown against the revolt in Kanaky (New Caledonia), it cannot stifle the desire for independence.

As support for Israel drops, supporters of the Zionist project feel more isolated and become more hysterical. Sue Bull reports.

University of Melbourne student encampment

The inspirational Gaza solidarity encampments, initiated by university students across the world, pose a sharp challenge to Western governments complicit in Israel’s genocide, argues Jacob Andrewartha.

Palestine Solidarity Conference, Naarm/Melbourne, May 12

The second Palestine Solidarity Conference organised by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network attracted more than 250 people. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Speakers at pro-Palestine rallies around the country, on Nakba Day (“Catastrophe” in Arabic) and the weekend, congratulated students for standing with Palestine against genocide.

Palestinian, Lebanese and Jewish students and staff organised a powerful rally at the Western Sydney University calling for an end to Israel’s genocide in Palestine. But management threatened to call police.

kids holding a banner

Since the Labor and Liberal parties have lost hearts and minds over their support for genocidal Israel, they are now moving to culture wars, argues Pip Hinman.

Green Left News Podcast Ep 40, May 17, 2024

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist discusses the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

election results

The May 12 regional election exposed Catalan independentism’s state of fragmentation, writes Dick Nichols.