Message from a midwife: 'Don't let Israel desensitise you to genocide!'

October 30, 2023

Amar Hamed, a midwife and a trade unionist with the NSW Nurses and Midwives' Association, made a powerful appeal to a 50,000-strong rally and march against Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, held on October 29.

"Healthcare workers choose the work that we want to do because we want to help and protect people. This means that we cannot stand idly and watch the dehumanisation, the Apartheid, the ethnic cleansing and the genocide of Palestinians."

She urged everyone not to be desensitised to the violence that Israel is inflicting on the people in Gaza — with the criminal complicity of the Anthony Albanese Labor government — but instead to become radicalised and take action. She called on workers to demand that that unions speak up against the genocide.

"This is a people's movement that won't be stopped," Hamed added. "We will not be silent and we will not be silenced!"

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