US student socialists discuss building Gaza solidarity encampments

May 7, 2024

Students at more than 100 universities around the world have set up Gaza solidarity encampments to demand their universities cut ties with apartheid Israel and weapons companies supporting the genocide in Gaza.

The first encampment was set up at Columbia University in New York and quickly spread across the United States and internationally when the university administration called in the police, who arrested more than 100 students amid a brutal crackdown. 

Green Left’s Isaac Nellist, Jacob Andrewartha and Chloe DS spoke to three students, Cyn Huang (University of California, Berkeley), Daniil Sapunkov (City University of New York, Hunter College), members of the Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) and Amey (San Francisco State University Students for Gaza), who have helped  establish the solidarity encampments.

They spoke about the lessons learned in building the protests on campus, the impact of the police repression and how to build the pro-Palestine movement in today's conditions.

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