Video: Protest against AUKUS nuclear submarine deal outside PM Anthony Albanese's office

February 25, 2023

Anti-war protests were organised outside MPs’ offices on February 24 to demand that AUKUS be scrapped and the $170 billion allocated to nuclear-powered submarines be instead spent on human need.

The national Anti-AUKUS Coalition organised the protest, along with local peace groups.

Nick Deane, from Marrickville Peace Group, told a crowd outside the Prime Minister’s office in Sydney that the real emergency — the climate — was being ignored in favor of a new arms race in preparation for a war on China.

A letter opposing the march to war was delivered to the PM’s office.

Wollongong Against War and Nukes, Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign CoalitionIndependent and Peaceful Australia Network and Medical Association for the Prevention of War supported the protest.

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