Video: Student strike for Palestine in Gadigal/Sydney

March 1, 2024

Young people said they would not remain complicit in Israel's genocide in Gaza at a rally at Sydney Town Hall on February 29.

Hundreds of school and university students marched in Gadigal/Sydney to demand Labor stop supporting Israel’s assault and occupation of Gaza. 

The rally was part of the national Student Strike for Palestine organised by Students for Palestine.

Palestinian student Raneem Emad told the crowd to keep protesting because “the Israel occupation shows no signs of stopping” and “the death toll only increases”. 

“Make no mistake, this is not a war, this is not a complicated issue, this is a genocide. This is a massacre. 

“It is shocking that it is up to the youth to prove that to our own government.

“Chris Minns' government wants me to sit in class and say nothing. He expects me to learn that more and more of my family members have been killed and then do nothing.”

Another student told Green Left that they are “sick and tired of being complicit in genocide”. They said they skipped classes to “use their voices to speak out against genocide”. 

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