Israel kills 21 in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria

May 15, 2011
Palestinians commemorate al Nakba
Palestinians commemorate al Nakba. Photo from

This article is reposted from . Protesters fired on by Israeli forces were commemorating al Nakba ("the catastrophe"), as Palestinians refer to the ethnic cleansing that accompanied the founding of Israel.

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May 15 can only be described as “Bloody Sunday” after the deaths of 21 people, and over 200 injured by Israeli forces. Ten people are reported dead in Lebanon, 8 in Syria, 2 in Gaza, and 1 in the occupied West Bank.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians marked the Nakba anniversary by marching to the borders with Israel in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. They were demanding their right of return to the homes and lands they were force to flee in 1948.

In Gaza, thousands of people marched to the Erez border crossing where they were met by a barage of bullets and shells fired from tanks. A 17 year old was killed, and 60 were injured.

Most of those injured were children, with wounds to their legs. Another man was killed later in the eastern area of Gaza.

Currently, F16′s, Apache Helicopters and unmaned drones are roaming the skies above the besieged area.

In Lebanon, thousands marched to Maroun el Rass, the border with Israel. Demonstrators were fired upon by Israeli troops leaving 10 dead and 70 injured, according to local reports. Thousands protested for hours before dispersing peacefully.

In Syria, Palestinian refugees and Syrians crossed into the occupied Golan Heights, and like in Lebaonon and Gaza, they too met a hail of bullets. Local reports say eight people have been killed and 50 injured. The Syrian Foreign Ministry called Israels actions “criminal activity”, and called on the interntional community to hold Israel responsible for the killing.

In the occupied West Bank, demonstrators faced rubber bullets, live fire, and deadly tear gas as they commerated the Nakba. Unconfirmed reports say 1 man has been killed, and close to 100 people injured. Clashes lasted for hours as demonstrators continued to come under attack from Israeli troops.

Across the world, thousands of people have also been remembering the Nakba. In New York, Norman Finkelstein joined thousands of demonstrators, and in Cairo, thousands have been protesting outside the Egyptian embassy. In London, Dublin, Paris, Madrid, Belfast, Amman, Ankara, Istanbul, Gothenburg and many other cities worldwide, thousands have come out to show their support for the Palestinians right to return to their homes and land.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “We are determined to defend our borders and our sovereignty”.

A spokesman for Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Sami Abu Zuhri, called Sundays murders “a turning point in the Israeli-Arab conflict that proved the Palestinian people and Arabs were committed to ending Israeli occupation.”

Hezbollah condemned the “Israeli aggression on unarmed civilians in Maroun al-Ras and in the Golan, which constitutes a dangerous violation of human rights, and what happened today in Maroun al-Ras and in the Golan is an embodiment of the will of the Palestinian people who are committed to the right of return.”

Mahmoud Abbas, speaking in a telvised interview said, “Their precious blood will not be wasted. It was spilt for the sake of our nation’s freedom.”

Western leaders including Barak Obama, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, and others has remained silent on the murders.

Video: Palestinians crossing into Majdal Shams. fares shalan.

Above is a dramatic video published by the website shows the moment when hundreds of Palestinian refugees and Syrians break through the border fence from Syria into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights (part of Syria occupied by Israel in 1967 and illegally annexed in 1981).

The video, which appears to be taken from the Israeli-occupied side shows a group of hundreds or perhaps thousands of marchers carrying Palestinian flags heading toward the boundary fence. Spectators on the Israeli-occupied side – apparently worried about the safety of the marchers – call on them to go back because of the danger of land mines.

However, undeterred the marchers continue, and break through the border fence as people on both sides call for the liberation of Palestine. As the marchers break through there scenes of joy, high emotion and embraces with those on the Israeli-occupied side. One man is heard to say, “This is how liberation is.”


"One man is heard to say, “This is how liberation is.” Obviously a Syrian glad to have temporarily escaped Assad's brutality. Who can blame them for wanting out of these places, not so many trying to cross in the opposite direction I would guess.
Who writes these distorted headlines? The deaths are a tragedy but thousands of protesters crossed the Syrian-Israel border from Damascus; molotov cocktails were thrown at Hadassah hospital and a 'protester' ran his car through a street in Tel Aviv killing a 29 year old Israeli woman. What does this violence and bloodshed foretold achieve?
WIKIPEDIA." Immediately after the war, Israel was willing to give up the Golan in exchange for peace with Syria; however, Syria refused to negotiate", There were no settlements before the Arab League 3 NO's of Khartoum " No negotiations,no recognition of Israel" after the six day war, The Arabs used the Golan heights to rain artilley fire into Israel
Are the commentors below suggesting that Israel did not kill 21 protesters on that Sunday in those countries? Either there's been some kind of mass conspiracy across the whole of the nation's borders and points of protest between disparate groups protesting the Nakba, or Israel's state forces did indeed kill 21 people protesting for their internationally recognised rights. Which puts them on the same side of history as Mubarak, Gadaffi, Assad and the rest of the middle-east's repressive regimes.
Not Protesting!!! Illegally trying to cross the border. Over 1000 people try to cross the Israeli, Syria/lebanon border. Last time people from Lebanon crossed the border they killed two Israeli soldiers and Kidnapped 2 others starting the Lebanon war in 2006.

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