Liberal students at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) have run a bogus ticket under the name “Green Left” in the QUT Student Guild elections, held over September 20 to 23.
The two main tickets in the election were Epic, backed by the Liberals, and Activate, backed by the Labor students and the left on campus.
Investigations reveal that the bogus “Green Left” ticket is registered to give 100% of its preferences to Epic. Green Left Weekly has lodged a verbal protest with the electoral returning officer about this brazen misrepresentation of its name, which is widely known to be associated with Resistance and Socialist Alliance, and totally opposed to the Liberal Party. This will be followed by a written complaint.
Rebecca Barrigos, from Socialist Alternative, which is supporting the Activist team, told GLW that left students and the Activate team would also lodge a formal protest to the returning officer over this blatant act of political fraud committed by Epic organisers.
I attended the Gardens Point campus on September 23 and staged a protest at a table labelled Green Left, informing passing students of the fraud and urging them to obtain a genuine Green Left Weekly newspaper to show the truth about the “Green Left” name.
An Epic organiser called campus security, but there were no further problems at that stage.
The issue will not be allowed to rest, and further protests will be made over this outrageous misrepresentation of the Green Left name.
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