East Timorese picket consulate

July 16, 1997

East Timorese picket consulate

By Bridget Riggs MELBOURNE <197> A picket was maintained at the Indonesian consulate from June 27 to July 4 to protest against the murder on June 25 of East Timorese resistance leader David Alex by the Indonesian military.

Alex was the Falintil deputy chief of staff, regional commander in the Bacau area and one of the earliest fighters with the resistance movement.

The picket was supported by representatives of the East Timorese National Youth Resistance, Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET), Fretilin, the National Council for Maubere Resistance and University Students for East Timor (USET).

Around 200 people visited or financially assisted the picket, and many passing pedestrians and motorists showed their support.

Donations were received from the RMIT and LaTrobe student unions, USET, ASIET and many individuals. The CFMEU (forestry division) donated firewood and the Clothing, Textiles and Footwear Union contributed funds for a "porta-loo" for the picketers.

The picket concluded with a vigil in City Square on July 4, at which representatives from Trades Hall Council, the Timorese community, the Sanctuary Network, ASIET and USET spoke, and an effigy of Suharto was burned.

In Perth on July 5, about 15 East Timorese and their supporters held a vigil outside the Indonesian consulate to protest against Alex's murder.

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