Loose cannons

December 10, 2003

True believers

"The image of [Ben] Chifley jumping off his locomotive, like some noble savage covered in soot, and racing into parliament is mistaken. Like most Labor MPs, he served a long and testing apprenticeship inside the party... After losing the seat of Macquarie in 1931, Chifley never returned to the rails. By this time, he was a man of independent means: a company director, shareholder and property owner. He believed in economic aspiration and achievement, for himself and for the nation." — from federal Labor MP (and as of December 2, parliamentary leader) Mark Latham's "Light on the Hill" lecture in Bathurst, September 20.

Quintessentially Labor

"I regard Chifley's background as quintessentially Labor, by the standards of his time and mine. He was a Labor man because he was earthy but also ambitious. He was prepared to see politics as a career, not just for its private benefits but overwhelmingly, as a means of serving the working people of this land... He was ... one of the aristocrats of the working class..." — Latham, from the same speech.

Another triumph for New Labour

"About two million [people] in the UK — including up to 60% of hospital patients — are malnourished, according to the study by the Malnutrition Advisory Group." — BBC News, November 11.

Pre-emptive aggression is first pillar

"The second pillar of peace and security in our world is the willingness of free nations, when the last resort arrives, to retain [sic] aggression and evil by force." — Emperor George Bush II, November 19.

From Green Left Weekly, December 10, 2003.
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