News briefs

April 16, 1997

National Action attack

ADELAIDE — On April 11, at least three members of the racist formation National Action walked into the Resistance bookshop on Hindley Street, kicked over two bookshelves and threatened, "If you don't tell your DSP mates in Melbourne to lay off National Action, we're going to come back for you". They then threw a further three tables on the floor.

This follows recent incidents of harassment of Green Left Weekly and Guardian sellers. Campaigns against National action in Melbourne and Sydney have included a rally of 800 people outside the National Action bookshop in Melbourne.

WA BHP workers win pay rise

PERTH — After a four-week strike, more than 1000 Port Headland workers at BHP's hot briquette iron-ore processing facility won base wage rises of 19% over a 27-month period, plus a $140 a week "incentive payment". The settlement by the Industrial Relations Commission was far lower than the unions' original demand of 40% above the award rate plus a $5 an hour site allowance.

Right-winger for Senate

PERTH — MLC Ross Lightfoot has been selected as the replacement for deceased Senator John Panizza after a strong campaign in his favour by the far right wing of the state Liberal Party and expelled former senator Noel Crichton-Browne. Lightfoot has earned standing amongst this group with his support of WA secession and his view that Aborigines represent "the bottom colour of the civilisation spectrum".

It is believed Lightfoot will not join the Senate until May 21. The Court government is hoping to push through harsh anti-union legislation before it loses control of the Legislative Council. The new council elected last year takes office in late May, and Court needs the vote of conservatives like Lightfoot.

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