The Loud Jew Collective occupied defence minister Richard Marles’ office on November 1 to protest Labor’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza.
About 50 anti-Zionist demonstrators demanded Marles and federal Labor withdraw economic, diplomatic and military support for Israel's occupation of Palestine.
Some protestors locked themselves by the neck to a ladder in Marles’ office, while others, including First Nations and community activists, unfurled banners which read: “Stop the genocide”, “ALP supports ethnic cleansing”, “Not in our name” and “Disarm Israel”.
The protesters spent the next four hours singing Jewish cultural songs.
Once dozens of Tactical Response Group police arrived, the occupation was brought to a speedy end, with four arrests.
Anti-militarist activist Zelda Grimshaw, who took part in the action, said: “Labor’s Richard Marles acts as a broker for major international weapons deals. Taxpayer dollars should not be funnelled into the pockets of giant weapons corporations. Australian made weapons should not be trained on the people of Gaza.”
[Free Palestine Geelong is organising a rally on November 4, 12pm at the Little Malop Street Mall and march to Marles’ office to demand he supports a ceasefire.]