'Revivalist meetings'

March 30, 1994

'Revivalist meetings'

Environmental activists George Marshall and Brent Hoare will be whizzing around Australia throughout April to hold "evolutionary revivalist meetings" with as many people as possible who are interested in striving to ensure the survival of what remains of the universe's only known rainforests.

Featuring the ranting "Reverend Ecoloony" (George) and Brother Hoare from the "Church of the Immaculate Biosphere", this deviant spin-off of the Rainforest Roadshows will bring the Good News of red hot direct actions from around the world being taken by the faithful to confront and expose the idolatrous eco-raping scumbags from hell who threaten us all.

Not just an infotaining gimmick, the eco-evangelical revivalist meeting theme is an attempt at a fresh approach to inspire, inform, and motivate audiences to rise up and mount a spirited resistance to the shredding of the Earth's biological fabric, to expose the Mitsubishi Corporation's role in this, and to have some fun in the process. The show will feature spectacularly edited video direct action footage from around the world.

The pontificating pair promise to bring deliverance from the evil demons of powerlessness, hopelessness and futurelessness, and any other "lessnesses". Watch for details in your area soon — touring Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney/Canberra, Wollongong and Newcastle throughout April, finishing in Brisbane in early May. If you would like to host a meeting, ring Rebecca at the Rainforest Information Centre: (066) 218 505, fax 222 339.

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