The Sydney University Students Representative Council passed the following motion on August 6.
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Palestine Solidarity motion
1. The Sydney University Students' Representative Council reaffirms its commitment to stand against racism, oppression, colonialism, and genocide;
2. The Sydney University Students' Representative Council condemns the ongoing massacres in Gaza, which to date has killed over 1,800 people, displaced over 100,000 and injured thousands more;
3. The Sydney University Students' Representative Council condemns the Israeli state's longstanding policies of ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination towards the Palestinians;
4. The Sydney University Students' Representative Council reaffirms its commitment to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.
5. The Sydney University Students' Representative council expresses support and solidarity to the Palestinian resistance against the apartheid state of Israel and its current war, and condemns any attempts to equate the actions of the occupied with that of the occupier.
6. The Sydney University Students' Representative Council condemns the following office bearers in the National Union of Students — National General Secretary Isabelle Kingshott, National Small and Regional Officer Jack Boyd and National Ethno-Cultural Officer Daniel Nikoloski — for taking part in the upcoming Australia Israel and Jewish Affairs Council's Rambam Israel Fellowship program, which involves an all expenses paid trip to Israel.
The Sydney University SRC recognizes that to visit apartheid Israel in this context and via this program is to be complicit in its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. The Sydney University SRC calls on the NUS office bearers to cancel their trips immediately.
7. The Sydney University SRC condemns the facile and offensive campaign by the Australian Union of Jewish Students which attempts to equate the petty rivalry between universities in Australia with the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Moved: April Holcombe
Seconded: Tala Barakat