Trade Unions for Palestine demand NSW Labor cut ties with Israel

August 9, 2024
Outside NSW Parliament on August 7. Photo: Stephen Langford

About 80 people protested in front of the NSW Parliament on August 7 to demand NSW Labor end its complicity in Israel’s Gaza genocide.

The protest was organised by Trade Unions for Palestine.

Activists demanded the Chris Minns government drop charges on Palestine activists, repeal the anti-protest laws, end state support for the production of component parts for F35 fighter jets being used in the genocide, stop silencing Palestine supporters in schools and the public service, and cut all ties with Israel.


Photo: Stephen Langford

Addressing the protest were: Paul Keating, from the Maritime Union of Australia (Sydney branch); Ahmad Hasan, a refugee from Gaza; Abigail Boyd, Greens member of the Legislative Council; Peter Moss, Labor Friends of Palestine; and Maxie Gallow, a teacher recently returned from the West Bank. 

The rally ended with chants that Palestine will be free.


Photo: Stephen Langford

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