Youth protest discrimination by Myer

November 12, 1997

Youth protest discrimination by Myer

By Alex Hlivka

BRISBANE — On October 31, 250 people protested against Myer Centre security staff's ejection of Aborigines, homeless people, punks and people without shoes from the centre.

After hearing speakers, the protesters marched through the Myer store and up and down the escalators chanting "Shame Myer, shame". Up to 40 police followed the protest through the centre. Some shoppers joined the protest.

Before dispersing, the protesters voted to protest at the centre every Friday until the discrimination stopped.

The 50 people who attended a second picket on November 7 were told that Myer Centre management had written to the protesters refusing to acknowledge any improper action by its staff, but agreeing to lift the bans on certain people using the building and ensure that security staff were aware of the centre's "non-discriminatory policy".

A delegation of young people will meet with management to discuss the issue further. The protesters say that more pickets will be organised if the situation does not improve.

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