Peter Boyle

The Democratic Kurdish Community Centre (NSW) is calling on the US President to stop supporting Turkey's massacre of Kurds. Peter Boyle reports.

The federal government has delivered another budget for the billionaire class that is hell-bent on putting their profits ahead of the climate emergency, writes Peter Boyle.

Federal ministers have been brazenly beating the war drums in the latest round of verbal aggression against China, escalating the government’s anti-China propaganda to a dangerous new level, argues Peter Boyle.

The forced amalgamation of three councils in the inner west of Sydney has not worked and residents need to be given a say, argues Peter Boyle.

Environmental activists and local residents have been waging a long-running campaign against a toxic rare-earths refinery in Malaysia run by Lynas Rare Earths, an Australian corporation, reports Peter Boyle.

Peter Boyle reports on the opening of a newly-renovated Democratic Kurdish Community Centre in Sydney’s West.

The progressive Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey has called for international solidarity on April 26, reports Peter Boyle.

Rojava Solidarity protest

Groups involved in the international campaign to free Abdullah Öcalan from a Turkish prison discussed plans to involve more community organisations. Peter Boyle reports. 

Green Left speaks to Niels Henrik Hooge from Friends of the Earth Denmark and Søren Søndergaard from Denmark's Red-Green Alliance.

Ecosocialist party Inuit Ataqatigiit won Greenland's April 4 election, in what was effectively a referendum on an Australian company's proposed uranium and rare-earth elements mining project, reports Peter Boyle.

The property-owning class has come out of the pandemic richer and more determined to get even wealthier. Peter Boyle takes a look at what can be done to revert this situation.

Peter Boyle reports that the Yazidi refugee community, that has settled in the NSW regional town of Wagga Wagga, marked their New Year celebration on April 14.