Peter Boyle

Trade unions have a long, proud history of supporting struggles of workers and oppressed people around the world. The campaign to free Abdullah Öcalan is a continuation of this activism, says Clare Baker.

Left parties from the Asia-Pacific region have spoken out in solidarity with the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party, which is in the process of being banned in Turkey, reports Peter Boyle.

NSW Greens MLC Jamie Parker speaks at a rally for democracy in Myanmar, in Sydney.

Why is Australia so soft in its response to the military coup in Myanmar? Jamie Parker speaks to Green Left about this question.

Lee Tan speaks to Green Left about Australian rare earth company Lynas' plan to build a permanent dump for its toxic waste in a pristine rainforest in Malaysia.

Independent Iraqi journalist Abeer Hasan Al Ani told a gathering to mark the invasion of Iraq that the promises of freedom, democracy and prosperity the Iraqis longed for have never come true. Peter Boyle reports.

The Kurdish community in Australia held a Newroz (Kurdish New Year) celebration in NSW Parliament House, Peter Boyle reports.

Lee Tan talks to Green Left about refinery company Lynas about its plans to establish a permanent radioactive waste dump in Malaysia.

Sydney protest over wellbeing of Ocalan

Members of the Kurdish community and supporters joined global protests over concerns about the wellbeing of imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, reports Peter Boyle.

Old arguments justifying racism might be considered ridiculous today but new ones, including affectations about “our” democratic values, neatly slip into service to reinforce ingrained racist prejudices, writes Peter Boyle.

Unemployed and welfare groups are calling on the government not to cut income support at the end of March. Peter Boyle reports.

Warming is already set on course to reach dangerous levels. But, if we do next to nothing — the course we are on — it could get a lot worse, writes Peter Boyle.

Australia must cut all military and business ties with the Myanmar/Burma military coup regime, a Burmese community leader told Peter Boyle at a recent protest.