Peter Boyle

This year's Imrali peace delegation to Turkey heard disturbing accounts of brutality and repression at the hands of the Turkish state, writes Peter Boyle.

People Before Profit team

Residents concerned about the Inner West Council’s pending rate rise — the result of the forced amalgamations of three councils — organised a bicycle ride protest, reports Peter Boyle.

Responding to escalating protests in Myanmar/Burma against the military coup, left groups from the Asia-Pacific region have issued a joint statement, reports Peter Boyle.

Kurdish community in Sydney calling on the United Nations to prosecute Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for crimes against women in the occupied canton of Afrin, reports Peter Boyle

Peter Boyle accompanied activists from Jews Against the Occupation to present a petition to Facebook calling on the social media platform not to ban criticism of Zionism on alleged anti-Semitism grounds.

Sue Bolton

Socialist Alliance Moreland City Councillor Sue Bolton initiated a solidarity motion in support of Kurdish mayors who have been undemocratically removed from office by the Erdoğan regime in Turkey, reports Peter Boyle.

Green Left is celebrating its 30th birthday. Peter Boyle takes a look at the idea behind this unique publication and what has sustained this people-powered project.

A military coup took place in Burma/Myanmar, reversing the country's ostensible shift toward civilian government. Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma's Debbie Stothard discusses its significance with Green Left.

Alternative Asean Network on Burma founder Debbie Stothard speaks to Green Left about the background to the latest military coup in Burma/Myanmar.

More than 100 people protested against the New South Wales government's plan to bulldoze 112 public housing dwellings in Glebe, reports Peter Boyle.

This year marks 30 years of Green Left. Its longevity comes down to it being a people-powered project. With its expanding multimedia platforms, there's room for you too, writes Peter Boyle.

S. Arutchelvan spoke to Green Left about what's behind Malaysia's king declaration of a state of emergency in the wake of a spike in COVID-19 infections.