The institutional integration of sports with the military has reproduced authoritarian sports cultures, writes Janaka Biyanwila. Popular protests demanding regime change are also about demilitarising the state.

Superannuation tax concessions mostly help those on higher incomes and have an impact on the way the climate emergency is tackled. Andrew Chuter explains how.

The NSW government has scrapped planning laws aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions during and after the construction of new apartments. Ben Radford reports.

Mohammed Bin Salman and Greg Norman

The rebranding of Saudi Arabia's blood-stained image using sports has been spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, palace coup plotter and figure behind the butchering of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Failures of Command book cover

Alex Salmon reviews Failures of Command, a book about a family's search for truth about their son's death just two months after his deployment to Afghanistan in 2012.

GetUp has released how-to-vote recommendations for a number of seats in the coming election including in Leichhardt where Pat O'Shane is standing. Alex Bainbridge reports.

The Arkadia Building in Alexandria, close to transport and opposite Sydney Park, is a model of what government-supported affordable housing could look like, argues Andrew Chuter.

More than 50 protesters defied the rain to call on Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales Paul Toole to end coal. Charles Boag reports.

Abortion rights protest in the US

The stake for Black women and the working class in the fight for abortion rights and to become equal and full citizens is existential, writes Malik Miah.

Elon Musk

If Elon Musk was in Russia, Western propaganda would call him an “oligarch”, but since he is in the United States he is referred to as a “very successful businessman”, writes Barry Sheppard.

While essential workers kept society running through the pandemic, governments and bosses worked assiduously to undermine their pay and conditions. Federico Fuentes reports.

The Transport Workers Union has welcomed a full bench decision by the Federal Court that Qantas’ outsourcing of nearly 2000 ground crew workers two years ago was illegal. Jim McIlroy reports.