The United States is hoping to stave off a general collapse of the currency system, writes Barry Sheppard. This threat gives the capitalist class extortion power to insist that the government bail out the big banks.

Long March by Indian farmers 2023

Indian farmers held a successful march to demand crop price guarantees, land ownership rights for tribal farmers, immediate financial relief and loan waivers, reports Peoples Dispatch.

The Indian Patent Office rejected pharmaceutical company Janssen’s application for an extension of its patent on a drug used in the treatment of tuberculosis, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Politics of Disablement review

Nova Sobieralski reviews Michael Oliver's The Politics of Disablement — considered a paradigm defining work for the sociological study of disability.

At least 41 migrants and refugees died in a fire in a migrant prison in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, near the United States border, reports Tamara Pearson.

Protest albums from March 2023

Do you think there's no good protest music these days? So did Mat Ward, until they started looking for it.

Uruguay protest against pension reforms

Workers and unions led strikes in Uruguay against the right-wing government’s proposed pension reforms, which include raising the retirement age from 60 to 65, reports Ana Zorita.

A parliamentary inquiry into the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has revealed startling evidence about some of its operations. Suzanne James reports.

Climate activists outside the Banking Summit

Climate activists rallied outside the Sydney Hilton Hotel to tell a Bank Summit to leave coal and gas in the ground. Jim McIlroy reports.

ASHA protest in Bihar

Thousands of community health workers held a huge protest in Patna, in Bihar state, calling for higher pay, recognition as workers and access to employment benefits, reports Kerry Smith.

Oliver Schulz's charge relates to the shooting death of Afghan man Dad Mohammad during an ADF raid.

In a significant development in justice and accountability, the first soldier to face war crimes charges for their alleged actions in Afghanistan is set to face court. Pip Hinman reports.

Depleted uranium shells

Britain has revealed it will supply Ukraine with armour-piercing depleted uranium shells, despite the health and environmental harms associated with the materiel, reports Binoy Kampmark.