By Frank Enright Xanana Gusmao trophy A soccer tournament in Bourges, France, on June 11-12 featured a "Xanana Gusmao Challenge". Gusmao is the jailed leader of Fretilin, the East Timor resistance. The trophy, a statue featuring a
Sexual harassment: not on By Kath Gelber Sexual harassment on the job came under more public scrutiny last week in the wake of the surprise resignation of NSW police minister Terry Griffiths. It is alleged he sexually harassed his staff.
The Taming of the Shrew By William Shakespeare Bell Shakespeare Company Directed by John Bell Footbridge Theatre, Sydney, to July 30 Reviewed by Peter Boyle Bell Shakespeare Company is touring Australia with a version of The Taming of
By Ron Guignard Doug Lorimer ("Has history disproved Marxism?", GLW #146) objects to my definition of science (GLW #145). He offers one which could arguably include such subjects as astrology, phrenology etc. If you use such a weak definition
New Country Sister Moon Reviewed by Philippa Stanford Sister Moon are surely one of the most exciting musical experiences to come out of Brisbane. With a diverse range of talents, Sister Moon bring new meaning to the term a cappella.
ADELAIDE — More than 100 information technology workers, members of the Public Service Association, struck for one day on June 30 to protest against the proposed privatisation of the state government's computer networks. Computer giants IBM and EDS
Australia's Spies and Their Secrets ASIO worked with unions and bosses In Australia's Spies and Their Secrets, author David McKnight uncovers a shadowy hand behind the events which shaped Australian politics from the end of the second world
It's been three and a half years since Green Left Weekly hit the streets during the anti-Gulf War protest movement. Our first issue demanded: "Stop the War!". By the third, the war had ended, but GLW didn't stop its coverage of the war's aftermath.
By Iain Aitken Lisa Macdonalds's response (GLW #146) to the argument that postmodernism can be a useful critical tool illustrates the pervasiveness of straitjacket "either/or" thinking in our culture. She reads the argument as a polemic, of the
The life of Riley: When George lit up George Orwell once told me: "One sometimes gets the impression that the word 'socialism' draws towards it, with magnetic force, every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex maniac, Quaker, 'nature
Is there a connection between sexism and racism? What role, if any, should the women's movement play in the fight against racism? Questions such as these will be among the issues taken up at the National Organisation of Women Students Australia
By Norm Dixon JOHANNESBURG — The Rwandan Patriotic Front's assistant director of international relations for Asia and Africa, Dr Ben Rugangazi, firmly rejected the international media's "simplistic" claims that the RPF represents the Tutsi