Who benefits from Australian foreign aid? The report of the committee to review Australia's overseas aid program was presented to foreign minister Alexander Downer in May by former Woolworth's executive Paul Simons, the chair of the committee.
Green Left Weekly's JOHN TOGNOLINI interviewed singer-songwriters KEV CARMODY and NEIL MURRAY about their views on the Olympics, the stolen generations, native title, reconciliation and racism. Question: It's only a few years since Sydney won the
By John Percy VARANASI — Waving red flags, chanting slogans and singing revolutionary songs, 50,000 peasants and workers assembled for an inspiring rally to conclude the sixth congress of the Communist Party of India Marxist-Leninist
The power of Oils 20,000 WATT R.S.L.Midnight OilColumbia/Sony Review by John Gauci Nowadays, artists tend to release a greatest hits collection after three or four albums which include a few hits and a couple of misses. Midnight Oil has waited 10
By Susan Laszlo The results of a national survey on the effects of federal government funding cuts to community-owned child-care centres are not surprising: good quality care is rapidly becoming out of financial reach for many parents, including
Left on-line The Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Watch Committee (WA) now has a web page. See . Latest news on the trial of the Herri Batasuna leadership — The Spanish government is prosecuting the entire national executive of the legal
Reading in the darkBy Seamus DeanVintage, 1996. 233 pp. Review by Suneeta Peres da Costa This is a book of haunting and beautifully rendered childhood revelations. In their subtle evocation of a youth burdened by a terrible family secret, these
Jabiluka Chorus: I've got the Jabiluka bluesnothing to gainbut every damn thing to lose.I used to worry about uraniumuntil Pan Con bought me off.I'm trying to sell uraniumbut everyone's got enough. I got the Jabiluka blues,while driving my
The French MathematicianBy Tom PetsinisPenguin, 1997. 422 pp., $17.95 (pb) Review by Phil Shannon "I refuse to be a mathematician in a prison, and Paris will continue to be a prison until King Charles and the Church are overthrown", declares the
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — For several months from mid-1997, the message in the mainstream Russian press was unanimous: the bad times were ending. The collapse that had almost halved the size of the country's economy since 1990 had bottomed out.
Reclaim the Streets SYDNEY — Around 1000 protesters blocked off Enmore Road at the Reclaim the Streets rally and street party in Newtown on November 1. The protest drew attention to the lack of public space for pedestrians and the inadequacy
Kyoto conference Like Australia's recalcitrant failure to address the greenhouse gas emissions problem, financial support for the environmentally destructive Indonesian Government is one more example of the antipathy of the Federal Government