Mike Whitney The US media has descended on the Asian tsunami with all the fervour of feral animals in a meat locker. The newspapers and TV's are plastered with bodies drifting out to sea, battered carcasses strewn along the beach and bloated babies
Frank Marrinan, Sydney The police were called in twice to the Villawood immigration detention centre during the first week of January — once by management and once by a detainee. After a female detention officer and a Chinese woman detainee
Russian academic Boris Kagarlitsky recently attended a conference in Caracas organised by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The following is excerpted from his account of the trip. In Venezuela, a revolution is taking place. In 1992 Colonel Hugo
John Roosa On December 25, one day before Aceh was devastated by an earthquake-driven tsunami, the Indonesian military (TNI) announced that it had just killed 18 pro-independence guerrillas in the province. Such news had long since become routine.
Federico Fuentes The New Year ushered in a new wave of protests and strikes that has threatened to end Bolivian President Carlos Mesa's term early. Already the latest events have completely polarised Bolivia, a country which witnessed 2000 protests
Stasiland: Stories behind the Berlin WallBy Anna FunderThe Text Publishing Company304 pages, $24 (pb) REVIEW BY AMANDA PEARSON Anna Funder's Stasiland is well written, lyrical and evocative. It is journalistic in style, and does not pretend to be

Chris Latham, Perth In a ballot of nurses employed in Western Australia's public health system, two-thirds voted to reject the state Labor government's offer of a non-union agreement. The clear rejection of the government's attempt to sideline the

Kathy Newnan"> SYDNEY — People imprisoned in Villawood detention centre responded generously to the tsunami crisis, despite many having little money. Some have cash from their working days before they were detained. Together they raised
Stuart Munckton In Havana on December 14, Cuban President Fidel Castro and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez signed a new, far-reaching economic agreement between the two nations. Both countries believe that the agreement fits within the framework
The initial response by the world's richest countries to the earthquake and tidal wave disaster in southern Asia was pathetic. While many of these countries have poured billions into invading and bringing misery to the people of Iraq, they cannot
Max Lane On December 26, one of the worst earthquakes in a century sent a massive tsunami travelling at 800 kilometres per hour out from an epicentre off the island of Sumatra. This tsunami hit a series of countries around the Bay of Bengal and
NinjaBy Tamara AsmarOld Fitzroy Hotel Theatre, SydneyUntil January 22 REVIEW BY BRENDAN DOYLE The Old Fitzroy in Sydney has been the home of much original, thought-provoking and affordable new Australian theatre. Ninja is yet another shoestring