Issue 63


Peace activists freed from US jails By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Ciaron O'Reilly and Moana Cole, peace activists from Brisbane, have been released from prisons in the US after serving year-long sentences for damaging a B-52 bomber and a runway
Reappraising ockerdom Following the success of last year's inaugural festival, the 1992 Australian Film Festival opens around Australia on July 23. Each state has its own program of public screenings and events between July and September.
By Jo Brown MELBOURNE—A July 16 public meeting of about 500, mostly local, residents at the Williamstown Town Hall rejected the planned expansion of the Mobil Altona refinery. The meeting was called by Mobil and the government in response
Columbus By Felipe Fernandez-Armesto Oxford University Press. 218 pp. $16.95 Reviewed by Mario Giorgetti On the morning of August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed his three caravelles, the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria, west across
Aborigines reject heritage amendments By Leon Harrison PERTH — Western Australian Aboriginal communities and the Aboriginal Legal Service have condemned the state government's proposed Aboriginal Heritage (Amendment) Bill. In the words
Poetry of conscience From the Republic of Conscience: An international anthology of poetry Edited by Kerry Flattley and Chris Wallace-Crabbe Aird Books in association with Amnesty International 192 pp. $16.95 Reviewed by Mario Giorgetti
Top tax avoiders The Australian Taxation Office recovered an additional $1.2 billion in tax last financial year from the country's top 100 companies. The results come from the ATO's "large-case audit program", set up in 1988. The ATO plans to
By Tracy Sorensen SYDNEY — While participants can "expect the unexpected" at a one-off "happening" at the Pod Gallery in Darlinghurst on September 19, artist Cat Miller can name some things that will definitely be there: a recycled fashion
The Cars That Ate Paris A mini-opera based on the film of the same name by Peter Weir Stage adaptation and direction by Douglas Horton Presented by Chamber Made Opera at Ensign Smash Repairs, 610 Smith Street, Clifton Hill, Melbourne, until
By Katrina Newton and Loretta Asquini MELBOURNE — It's no secret that our society has a very contradictory attitude towards young people. On the one hand, youth is idealised and revered by the mainstream media, yet in reality, young people
By Bronwen Beechey MELBOURNE — Peace, environment and solidarity groups will be joining together between October 21 and 25 to demonstrate against an event that has been described as "Aidex on wings". The Australian Air Show and Aerospace
Guatemalan Indian speaks By Bill Mason BRISBANE — Federico Gomez, a Mayan Indian from Guatemala, launched his national tour of Australia here from July 14-19, to represent 500 Years of Indigenous, Black and Popular Resistance in Latin
For the New Republic(s) em = By Linda Martin The right wing and its apologists (I do not count myself amongst them unless stranded on the fence) admired Mrs Thatcher's strength Who else they say could mend the tears in imperialism's
WOLLONGONG — One of the biggest marches here in recent years occurred on Sunday, July 12. As part of an international day of protest, 4000 people marched down the main street of Wollongong to show their support for the recognition of an
By Kath Gelber ADELAIDE — More than 350 women from around the country gathered here for a very successful Network of Women Students in Australia Conference from July 7 to 10. The four days were packed with speakers on a range of topics,
Newcastle drivers lose conditions By Tim E. Stewart NEWCASTLE — In a "sad day" for public transport, bus workers "have agreed to suffer in order to keep buses on the road", local bus workers' official Dave Winwood told a 150-strong public
Students, Science and Sustainability BRISBANE — The second "Students, Science and Sustainability" Conference, held at Griffith University July 15-17, drew between 150 and 200 students from around the country. The conference was organised
By Sean Malloy MELBOURNE — "There is a real sentiment of seriousness amongst young people today. We know we can't play at politics, because it really is our lives and the lives of many others and the future of the planet at stake", said Kylie
Century of the child em = By Denis Kevans If you could look into their eyes as I do every day, You wouldn't write the things you write, or say the things you say, You wouldn't put these children down, and bruise their tender pride, And
SYDNEY — Damsels Be Damned, a feminist rewriting of fairytales with the logic of a dream, is one of the short films on offer in the "Love Bites" festival of short films showing July 25 and 26 at Balmain Town Hall and August 1 and 2 at the Bondi


By Norm Dixon LONDON — Britain's Ugandan community has appealed to international aid donors not to be taken in by "the fallacious propaganda of the government of Uganda". John Obwona-lanana, chairperson of the Ugandan Community in the UK,
By Michael Karadjis July 15 was the 18th anniversary of the NATO-organised destruction of Cyprus, in a joint action by the then military junta of Greece and the Turkish regime. Following a struggle against British colonial rule in the 1950s,
Indonesian military to set up TV station By Michael Tardif The Indonesian military (ABRI) plans to establish its own television station. Chief of staff Vice Admiral Soedibyo Rahardjo announced the plan at the opening ceremony for three new
A student of Soviet history and politics, ROGER MARKWICK first visited the Soviet Union at the very beginning of perestroika, as a language student and tourist. Seven years later he returned, this time as a research student, to the newly
By Steve Painter The most surprising thing about Ross Perot's campaign for the United States presidency was not his withdrawal last week, but the fact that a megalomaniac billionaire was able to win the support of millions. In a few weeks,
By Michael Karadjis The Republic of Macedonia could be the next target in Serbian warlord Slobodan Milosevic's campaign against his neighbours. On June 26, the European Community caved in to Greek demands and decided to refuse recognition of
All East Timorese studying in Java and Bali were summoned to report to the local military commands where they are living on July 10 and required to answer detailed questionnaires. The orders to appear were transmitted to the students by their
By Chris Beale Thailand goes to the polls on September 13, with nearly a thousand people still "missing" after the army's brutal crackdown against pro-democracy demonstrators. It seems highly doubtful, however, that these elections will be


Labor's migrant bash The Labor Party seems determined to maintain only the worst of its traditional policies and attitudes. While it has ditched most of its traditional commitment to social justice, strong trade unionism and democratic rights,