Action updates

April 28, 1993

PERTH — Activists from various humanitarian and political organisations paid their respects to popular Communist leader Chris Hani, and showed their support for the democratic movement in South Africa, at a memorial meeting on April 17 organised by the African National Congress unit of WA and Campaign Against Racial Exploitation. Speakers included the Australasian representative of the ANC, Glen Mashinini, and WA socialist Sheila Suttner.

  • The increasing need for an alliance between unions, workers and progressive left movements was highlighted at Politics In the Pub on "Mining and the Environment" on April 23 at Cafe Sport in Northbridge. The meeting heard a panel of speakers including Jim Scott, Greens MLC, Mick Houlbrook of the Democratic Socialist Party and Conservation Council representative Beth Shultz. Discussions ranged from ownership and control of mining, to looking at how technology and resources can be used to meet the needs of people in an environmentally sustainable way.

Should a brief report on your group's activities be included in the next issue of Green Left? Just ring the information in: Adelaide 231 6982. Brisbane 358 4875. Canberra 247 2424. Hobart 346 397. Melbourne 329 1277. Newcastle 265 328. Perth 227 7367. Sydney 690 1977. Wollongong 297 932.

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