Ewart appeal rejected
By Stella Simmering
MELBOURNE — The appeal of Shannon Ewart was rejected by Judge Dyett the County Court on May 26. Ewart, arrested for writing graffiti on the South Melbourne police station, presented detailed evidence that she was beaten and tortured by police.
Ewart claimed the 12 assault police charges she faced were fabricated. For the appeal, she had been denied legal aid, and faced 15 police witnesses assisted by a barrister.
Ewart claimed she had been beaten repeatedly by up to 10 police while in custody. She claimed she had been held in a constantly wet shower cell, which was extremely cold. She said she had been flogged with a baton while her arms were handcuffed behind her back, deliberately kept awake from Monday to Friday, and forcibly stripped in front of four male police.
Judge Dyett implied that medical reports showing she had been hospitalised while in custody, and photographic evidence showing massive multiple bruising, was consistent with police use of reasonable force. Ewart said that the decision gave police the green light to bash women.