By Chris Spindler
SYDNEY — Green Left Weekly sellers have been visible most lunchtimes and afternoons in Town Hall tunnel (between the Queen Victoria Building and Town Hall station) for as many years as Green Left has been publishing.
However, QVB management, Pearl and Dean Advertising and CityRail, have combined to try to make the tunnel sales spot a thing of the past.
For a number of months, Green Left distributors have been told to leave their selling spots by QVB and CityRail security. On most occasions the exchange has been amicable. Most times Green Left sellers move, and most times good sales have been recorded.
On two occasions Green Left Weekly has tried to obtain permission from Pearl and Dean, but no reply has been forthcoming.
In October QVB security stepped up their campaign to remove Green Left Weekly sellers for no reason other than "You are on private property". This campaign against Green Left and a number of buskers aims to maintain the "respectable" image of the QVB and not to clutter the advertising hoardings of Pearl and Dean.
Most recently, Green Left Weekly sellers have been insulted, called names and even pushed by security guards. When the Green Left seller was pushed, he had put his papers away and was talking to another person.
The tunnel is a public thoroughfare, and a religious group with a stall has been allowed to set up every lunchtime without being similarly harassed.
The harassment has been met with a petition campaign to QVB, Pearl and Dean and CityRail. GLW sellers and activists in Resistance and the Democratic Socialist Party have vowed to step up the campaign if sellers continue to be harassed.
For information and copies of the petition, phone Chris at the Resistance Centre on 9690 1977.