Loose cannons

February 11, 1998

Nothing as stable as death

"There is no basis for concern over the stability of any [tertiary] institution." — David Kemp, federal minister of education, responding to an accountants' report saying that a number of universities are "at risk" because of funding cuts.


"Our customers have improved in terms of quality. Many of them are now upper-class businessmen." — Jakarta pawnshop owner, quoted in the Far Eastern Economic Review, on changes brought by the economic crisis.


"We were caught up in the enthusiasm of Indonesia ... One thing we should have done was to try to suppress the monopolies and unfair practices." — World Bank president James Wolfensohn, engaging in a little self-criticism after the bank's three decades of backing the Suharto dictatorship.

First things first

"We had some commercial interests to protect and to that extent you have a right to go about protecting our commercial interests when there isn't overwhelming public interest to know." — Patrick chief executive Chris Corrigan, responding to a journalist's question as to why he had lied about his company's involvement with the plan to train non-union wharfies in Dubai.

Religious experience

"Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell." — David Roche of London-based Independent Strategy, on South Korea (Far Eastern Economic Review).

Welcome, beta version

"BRUSSELS, Belgium — A pie-thrower smacked [Microsoft boss] Bill Gates full in the face with a cream pie today [February 4], leaving the world's richest man with pastry dripping off his glasses and onto his suit." — Associated Press report.

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