If the women's liberation movement is to succeed, it needs to be organised and led by women. There are a lot of ways that men can support and participate in women's liberation movement, but running for women's officer is not one of them. Kamala Emanuel, Green Left Weekly, November 8, 2000.
Last year Tasmania University's Launceston campus elected a man as the Launceston Student Association's women's officer. Nick Corney's election to that position is a lot like electing a fox as security officer of a hen house. He may want to, but he can never know what it is like to lay an egg; therefore, he will never be able to speak with the authority of experience for hens. It should also be noted that when he gets hungry well, you get my point.
Corney's talk of turning the position into one of gender equity stinks of a less than subtle attempt to concretise his position. Having said that, I feel the need to add that the women of Tasmania University were asleep at the wheel for not having had a proper female candidate ready when the first round of nominations was opened. That Corney's second round nomination resulted in his election unopposed is absurd.
Moreover, logic questions the efficacy of a feminist organisation that agrees to gag its individual members by voting to only allow its president to speak to media. Every woman is supposed to have a voice! That the current women's officer cannot make any public comment tells me that (a) Tasmania University's female students are poorly organised, and (b) they have little trust in one another.
I hope that Corney will muster sufficient courage to resign his new position immediately. If he wants to do something for those young women he can start by helping them understand that being prepared must be their organisational creed and that they have to stand up and run for that and any other position otherwise, men will always be on top.
[The writer is a prisoner on death row in the United States. He welcomes letters commenting on his columns (include your name and full return address on the envelope, or prison authorities may refuse to deliver it). He can be written to at: Brandon Astor Jones, EF-122216, G3-77, Georgia Diagnostic & Classification Prison, PO Box 3877, Jackson, GA 30233, USA, or email brandonastorjones@hotmail.com. Jones is seeking a publisher for his autobiography, growing down. Please notify him of any possible leads. Visit Jones' web page at http://www.brandonastorjones.com.]