On November 23, the government of President Hugo Chavez, and the revolution he is leading in Venezuela, will face a serious test. Regional elections will be held nationwide in Venezuela and the results will have a significant impact on the progress of the Bolivarian revolution.
The elections will be preceded by an intense political battle between the opposition forces, backed by the US, and the poor majority, who want to see the revolution develop and deepen. The pro-Chavez sectors of the population are already campaigning hard, principally through the newly formed United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which aims to unite the vote for revolution around a single candidate for each position.
Australian supporters of the Venezuelan revolution have an opportunity to observe this important campaign and the elections firsthand, by joining the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network's next brigade to Venezuela on November 20-30.
Brigade participants will also meet with a wide range of community organisations involved in transforming Venezuelan society. The itinerary will include visits to occupied factories, cooperatives, community media outlets and revolutionary educational institutions; observing popular power at work in the communal councils; and speaking with government and grassroots organisations about the radical changes being implemented.
Over the last four years, the AVSN has organised eight solidarity brigades to Venezuela involving more than 150 participants.
Accommodation, transport and English translation in Venezuela is organised for all participants, and the total cost, including international airfares, is around $4500.
For more information, visit htpp://www.venezuelasolidarity.org, email brigades@venezuelasolidarity.org, or phone Coral on 0423 741 734 or Roberto on 0425 289 394. The registration deadline for the brigade is September 1.