Julian Assange

The US case against Julian Assange redefines investigative journalism as espionage, journalist Mary Kostakidis said, adding that extradition to the US will cost him his freedom and quite likely his life. Jim McIlroy reports.

Julian Assange’s team will present arguments to the British High Court in February that his extradition to the United States to face 18 charges would violate various precepts of justice. Binoy Kampmark reports.

While the US Department of Justice battles to indict Assange for absurd espionage charges, various parts of his case have begun to unravel. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Free Julian Assange banner

A cross-party delegation of Australian politicians visited the United States in September to lobby for an end to US attempts to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, reports Alex Bainbridge.

A six-member delegation of MPs has just ended a short stint to lobby members of the US Congress and various relevant officials to release whistleblower Julian Assange. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Whatever the outcome from the cross-party trip, there is some glimmer of hope, argues Binoy Kampmark.

A federal cross-party delegation for Julian Assange, including Nationals, independents, Greens, Labor and Liberals, leaves for the US later in September. Stephen Langford reports.

Protesters delivered another letter to the PM, demanding he work harder on securing the release of publisher Julian Assange. Stephen Langford reports.

We should be wary of any plea deal which makes Assange admit guilt, Binoy Kampmark argues, because it would be merely changing the prison warden.

A giant letter demanding Anthony Albanese push harder to have Julian Assange released from Belmarsh Prison was read out, outside the Prime Minister's electorate office. Stephen Langford reports.

The recent AUSMIN talks showed up just how fast Australia is being a client state of the United States, argues Binoy Kampmark.

Activists delivered a giant letter calling for Julian Assange to be freed to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s electorate office in Marrickville. Karen Hemming reports.