
Workers take protest to five-star hotel By Vannessa Hearman MELBOURNE — A combined delegates rally involving all construction unions is scheduled later this month to discuss the growing problem of non-union labour in the industry. More than
Mandatory sentencing and non-violent protest By Robert Milne DARWIN — The Northern Territory's mandatory sentencing laws have always been controversial. Now NT police are attempting to use these laws, originally designed to protect property, to
Teachers say 'negotiate' By Melanie Sjoberg ADELAIDE — Hundreds of education workers gathered in Victoria Square on March 30 to call on the state government to negotiate genuinely on an enterprise agreement. High school principal and Australian
SYDNEY — On March 3, Legal Aid's Children's Legal Service convened a meeting to discuss the announcement by the Ombudsman's Office of a inquiry into serious allegations against management and staff at the Kariong Detention Centre. The centre is the
MUA election issues begin to surface By Dick Nichols Last week, seafarer members of the Maritime Union of Australia attending their monthly stop-work meeting were given the latest issue of Voice, the journal of the Maritime Unionists Socialist
Palm Sunday marches oppose Jabiluka mine Anti-uranium protesters used marches held around Australia on March 28 (Palm Sunday) to focus attention on stopping the Jabiluka uranium mine in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory. The
Another 'beautiful, boutique' nuclear reactor for Sydney By Jim Green SYDNEY — On March 30, federal environment minister Robert Hill announced his approval for the construction of a new nuclear reactor in the southern Sydney suburb of Lucas
NTEU highlights education decline By Jeremy Smith The stand-off between the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) and the senior management at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Sydney University, along with a proposed strike at
Company sacks 550 meatworkers By Bronwen Beechey ADELAIDE — Five hundred and fifty meatworkers in the small town of Murray Bridge were sacked following the sale of Metro meatworks to the Adelaide-based CR&S. Workers at the plant were stood
Anti-nuclear forum By Keara Courtney SYDNEY — Dr Helen Caldicott and Dr Jim Green condemned the federal government's pro-nuclear push — which includes giving the go ahead to a new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights in Sydney's
By Kim Bullimore The federal Coalition government's hypocrisy was again evident when immigration, multicultural affairs and reconciliation minister Philip Ruddock launched its multi-million dollar "Living in Harmony" program. The program, which
By Emma Webb ADELAIDE — Around 120 people were addressed by Aboriginal elders and and other activists opposed to uranium mining at a public meeting on March 22 organised by the Jabiluka Action Group. Arabunna elder Kevin Buzzacott spoke about the