Two controversial German figures, Sarah Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer, released a Peace Manifesto on February 10, which gathered close to half a million of signatures in less than a week, reports Sibylle Kaczorek.
Die Linke (The Left, Germany)
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, European left parties have been debating their anti-war positions. Die Linke, Germany’s left party, is about to launch a new round of discussion ahead of its 2023 national congress, reports Sibylle Kaczorek.
The Social Democratic Party's platform to raise the minimum wage and for single-tier health insurance resonated with voters and contrasted with the left's failure. Sibylle Kaczorek reports.
In the aftermath of the recent racist attacks in Hanau, Green Left spoke with Sibylle Kaczorek, an anti-racist activist based in Berlin, about its impacts on recent election results in Hamburg and the campaign against the far right.
The fear of collaboration by the so-called mainstream democratic parties with the far-right in Germany has been realised in the first such incident in post-war times, writes Sibylle Kaczorek.
One of two unnamed individuals who have been arrested in Germany for possession of weapons and a “kill list” of prominent left-wingers was a police officer, the Morning Star reported on August 29.
The pair had been discussing “refugee and migration policy”, which they claimed would lead to the “collapse of public order,” via online chat groups, the article said.