By Peter Annear SAN FRANCISCO — In the wake of their successful first national gathering last month, activists in the Committees of Correspondence are feeling their way into a discussion about where the organisation should head. This new
Comment by Allan McDonald The aftershock of the June-July employment statistics highlights the lack of vision and ideological purpose in the political scene in Australia today. Social objectives have given way to economic objectives.
By Norm Dixon Almost 40 million people are now threatened by hunger in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation report released in June. It estimated that in the Horn of Africa 20 million people need
Residents oppose new reactor By Hillary Kent SYDNEY — Environmental and residents' groups have condemned a federal government proposal to build a new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights in Sydney's rapidly growing southern suburbs. The new
By Peter Boyle On August 18, the Keating government brought in a federal budget designed to convince the public that the Australian Labor Party has returned to its old Social Democratic values. But while the budget purports to give first
Baghdad and Washington The threat of a renewed US military attack on Iraq had appeared to recede when UN observers, departing from the script expected in Washington, declared their inspection mission in Iraq satisfactorily completed. UN
US blockade condemned [The following letter by distinguished British academics appeared in the August 9 Guardian Weekly.] We would like to draw your readers' attention to a matter which we believe deserves their concern: namely the embargo
By Sean Malloy "It has not taken long for Palestinians to realise that the difference between Rabin and Shamir is not as great as previously advertised", writes Daoud Kuttab in Middle East International on the Labour coalition government formed
By Catherine Brown "The biggest state sell-off" in the European Community is the description, by EC financiers, of the Italian government's privatisation plans. The emergency economic package announced last month includes austerity measures
Sexual politics — 1 I do not intend to reply in any detail to Robert Stainsby's letter (Write on, August 19). I do wish, though, to take up two points. Firstly, I consider that his selective choice of quotations from my article is not a
By Jorge Jorquera Last week's budget continued and intensified the Labor government's "reforms" to education. As foreshadowed by numerous leaks, chief among the new measures is the introduction of an Austudy loans scheme. Students will now
By Norm Dixon "The desperately thin baby hung in the weighing harness, kicking and screaming in protest. Loose folds of skin hung from her skeletal arms and legs ... Bishar weighs less now than when she was born a year ago. The Somalian