Strike wave hits Zimbabwe By Norm Dixon Workers in some of Zimbabwe's lowest paying jobs have embarked on a wave of strikes to win wage increases of up to 50%. Employers have responded with intransigence and violence, while the Mugabe
RFAs opposed CANBERRA — On July 18, about 30 people protested outside Liberal Senator Margaret Reid's Office. The action, organised by the Wilderness Society, was to protest against regional forest agreements, which a TWS spokesperson
Abstudy cuts decimate Batchelor College By Marina Cameron A report from Batchelor College, a university in the Northern Territory, to education minister Amanda Vanstone predicts that budget cuts to Abstudy will lead the institution to
Queensland TAFE cuts hit By Daniel Lambert BRISBANE — The Borbidge government's $113 million TAFE funding cuts, brought down in the last state budget, are beginning to show their effects as angry students mobilise to fight these attacks
CPSU members vote Meetings were held around the country last week to vote on the way forward for the campaign by the Community and Public Sector Union to protect jobs and conditions. Paul Oboohov reports from Canberra that on July 17 members
Kennett cuts disability services By Bronwen Beechey MELBOURNE — State-funded disability advocacy and information groups have been told that funding will be withdrawn from August 29. Most are to be completely de-funded, forcing many to
NGOs picket PNG forestry office By Barry Healy PNG NGOs including the Individual and Community Rights Advocacy Forum Inc, Conservation Melanesian, Melanesian Environment Foundation (MEF) and Greenpeace picketed PNGs National Forest
Students and youth in struggle AZURAMANN CEKA is an AND JEF/PADS student leader and a member of the bureau of the Youth, Student and Pupils Movement. He was interviewed by FRED SPENCER Question: What's the nature of your movement? What are the
Disappointment "I regret to report that there was no violence." — A TV reporter overheard by ambulance crew reporting in following the protest at One Nation's Werribee launch. When we don't need it "I have already indicated that we
By Helen Jarvis PHNOM PENH — The unlikely coalition between the royalist Funcinpec and the formerly socialist Cambodian People's Party has fallen apart in a shoot-out in the streets of the capital. The population that had endured so much
The Season at SarsaparillaBy Patrick WhiteDirected by Mary-Anne GiffordNew Theatre, Sydney Review by Brendan Doyle A few days in the life of Sarsaparilla, a fictional suburb of Sydney, in the summer of 1961. Three decidedly Anglo families, the
On Hanson's trail By Helen Cunningham GEELONG — The battle continued against the growth of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party in Geelong on July 18. Organised by the Geelong People for Multiculturalism and Democracy (GPMD), a protest rally