Students put Kennett on spot
By Brendan Meilak
MELBOURNE — On September 2, TAFE students from across Victoria assembled at the Peninsula TAFE in Frankston to tell premier Jeff Kennett what they think of his funding cuts to the TAFE system. More
By Dave Riley
Earlier this year, I set up New World Order Theatre in Brisbane. There was no manifesto to mark its birth, nor raving reviews to greet its first production. It happened, like so many things, because it seemed like a good idea at the
By Eva Cheng
According to an August survey of Thailand's Board of Investment, within five industries — food and beverages, textiles, plastics, automobiles and services — which received special state promotion, 82,000 workers lost their jobs in
Write on: Letters to the editor
Tax treachery
Australia is a country destroyed by decades of political manipulation and treachery. This is exemplified in the deceitful booklet issued by the current Government entitled "Tax Reform, not a new tax,
Diana fever
Welcome to Green Left Weekly — a paper that is a Diana-free zone. If you were hoping to find a seven-part series on the life and times of Di as you scanned these pages, along with glamour posters and special details on how to win a
By Allen Myers
Marxist Economics: a handbook of basic definitions, published by Resistance Books, was first developed by renowned Belgian economist Ernest Mandel and English economics writer Alan Freeman for the Fourth International's cadre school
Militant's anti-racist student 'united' front
Comment by Kerryn Williamsand Jorge Jorquera
MELBOURNE — The recent growth in anti-racist organisation among high school students has been set back here by the sectarian political intervention of
By Ben Philpottand Arrow Tong
ADELAIDE — Posters are being pasted up in schools and public places here by the neo-Nazi group National Action. The posters feature a picture of Resistance leader Marina Carman and state that Resistance is a
Mining still threatens Great Barrier Reef
By Francesca Davis
On August 19, federal environment minister Robert Hill announced new regulations to ban mining and drilling on the Great Barrier Reef. The move will not, however, stop three proposed
APCET demands release of political prisoners
The Asia Pacific Coalition for East Timor Council met in Indonesia for the first time on August 29-31. An APCET media conference called for the release of Xanana Gusmao and all political prisoners in
Green candidate proud of 'activist' tag
By Stephen O'Brien
NEWCASTLE — The NSW Greens' number one Senate candidate, university lecturer John Sutton, is proud of his "activist" tag, which right-wing critics have levelled at him for his role on
By Stephen O'Brien
NEWCASTLE — The Democratic Socialists will accept the challenge issued by Bob Baldwin, Liberal MP for the Hunter Valley seat of Paterson. Baldwin warned last month that if Resistance ran in his seat he would buck Liberal Party
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