Alex Bainbridge, Hobart
The Save Our Sisters campaign group has been forced to withdraw from a Resource Management Planning Appeals Tribunal hearing because the law is stacked against "small fish" in favour of corporate interests, according to
Winfried Wolf, Berlin
The Left Party.PDS [Party of Democratic Socialism] performed best in the German federal election on September 18. Receiving 8.7% of the national vote, it has more than doubled its result from 2002, when it failed to jump the
Dale Mills
"These proposals will curtail our civil liberties dramatically, but the government has not put forward any evidence that these laws will help combat terrorism", according to Agnes Chong, who contributed to a detailed report
Making a killing I
"The most significant revelation of 'Executive Excess' concerned the growth in profits by companies involved in providing services, goods and military 'expertise' to the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 9/11, CEOs heading
Peter Boyle
This could be the most pleasant correction Green Left Weekly has ever had to make: The final tally for our $100,000 Emergency Appeal was not $110,615 as reported in the last issue, but a whopping $117,156.05!
This tremendous response
Under the headline "Infamous Judicial Decision: Posada under the Empire's Protection", the Cuban daily Granma reported on September 28 that US immigration judge William Abbott chose not to deport Cuban-born terrorist Posada Carriles, either to
Max Lane
"This is similar to when martial law was implemented more than 30 years ago", said 70-year-old Professor Francisco Nemenzo, outgoing President of the University of the Philippines and convener of the left coalition Laban ng Masa. Nemenzo
Wanda Fish
On September 27, Australian democracy surrendered to terrorism. On that day, a coalition of willing federal and state leaders agreed to anti-terrorism legislation that will enable police persecution of the Muslim community and threaten
The Socialist Alliance expresses its solidarity with all the innocent victims of the latest Bali bombings, regardless of nationality. However, we also reject and condemn the hypocritical and racist "anti-terrorist" hysteria being whipped up by
Marie Martinez, Darwin
Opposition is growing to attempts to crush the Charles Darwin University Students' Union. On September 29, 150 students and staff demonstrated in defence of the CDUSU and against the recently announced slashing of almost 400
Lara Pullin
On October 12, most countries in Latin America will celebrate Dia de la Raza, or Colombus Day, which in 1492 marked the beginning of the Spanish empire's destruction of millions of years of the continent's indigenous history in just a
Green Left Weekly will not be producing an issue next week. Our next issue will be dated October 26 and our regular schedule will resume from that issue. Check our website for updates: <>.From Green Left Weekly,
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