Action updates

September 11, 1996

Action updates

Save Barrington Tops

NEWCASTLE — "No Forests — No Future" was the title of a public meeting here on August 27 organised by the Wilderness Society. The meeting, attended by 140 people, was called to discuss woodchipping in native forests and to put maximum pressure on the government to protect all of Barrington Tops in the current stage of the forest reserve process. The meeting was addressed by Kevin Parker and Anthony Too from TWS, as well as a representative of the timber industry. The speakers from the environment movement were united in calling on NSW Premier Bob Carr to save the forests.

SA education bans

ADELAIDE — The long-running dispute in the Department for Education and Children's Services over wages and workload continues with rolling stoppages of schools each Monday and Tuesday. Education workers also have widespread bans against performance management programs, departmental surveys, new practices and working outside of standard hours. Most students and school councils are still supportive of the campaign, which is fundamentally about the size of classes and the quality of education.

In an attempt to bring the dispute to a head, the government, yet again, sought the intervention of the State Industrial Relations Commission on September 3 to stop the industrial action. Hearings are continuing, but the bans have not been lifted.

Public service alliance

HOBART — On August 29, a proposal for an alliance was announced by five unions covering Tasmanian public sector workers. The Australian Education Union, Community and Public Sector Union, Health and Community Services Union, Miscellaneous Workers Union and Public Transport Union propose to unite to fight the cuts in both state and federal budgets.

If supported by members, the alliance will embark on a combination of industrial action, rallies, public information and parliamentary lobbying.

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