Anti-war activists prepare for October 25

September 17, 2003


PERTH — An October 25 "End the occupation of Iraq" rally has been planned as the main focus of anti-war activists here. A mass anti-war march on Perth, initiated by the Perth No War Alliance, will coincide with rallies planned around the world on the day. The international day of action was initiated by the US-based ANSWER coalition.

The Perth rally will demand an end to the occupation, troops out of Iraq, no more war for oil, freedom for Palestine and an end to seaswaps and US bases in Australia.

The NoWar Alliance call to action states, "In the US, public support for the occupation of Iraq is evaporating as the death toll among US soldiers continues to rise in the face of determined guerrilla resistance. The US, British and Australian governments have been thoroughly exposed for having lied about the need for a war to eradicate weapons of mass destruction that Iraq did not possess. Washington is seeking to 'internationalise' the occupation by encouraging US allies to participate..."

"Australia still has around 1000 military personnel deployed in Iraq. Meanwhile, the Howard government has increased military spending to $15.8 billion. Of this, $745 million will be used to [cover] the cost of Australia's participation in the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

"...We need to respond to international initiatives ... We are also responding to the unambiguous wish of the majority of the Iraqis for an end to the occupation of their country and a speedy transition to self-determination."

For more information or if you would like to endorse the rally call (08) 9218 9608. The next NOWaR Alliance campaign meeting will be on October 18 at 6:30pm, Unity House, 79 Stirling St, Perth.

From Green Left Weekly, September 17, 2003.
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