On the box

March 4, 1998

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Phone 9525 3551 to contact the producers or make a donation.

Women's Voices — To mark International Women's Day, this documentary tells of the lot of women in history. Throughout centuries and in different cultures, women have been deprived of "meaningful" speech but, over the last two centuries, have made ground. SBS, Sunday, March 8, 9.30pm.

Catholics Under Nazism — Individual acts of courage by Catholics contrast with a policy of collaboration adopted by the Catholic Church in Germany and Vichy France, and with the Vatican's silence. SBS, Monday, March 9, 12.20am.

Bronwen and Yaffa — This film documents the efforts of two young US women, one black and one Jewish, as they successfully organise benefit rock concerts to raise money for their action group, Eastcoast Against Racism. SBS, Monday, March 9, 4.30pm.

Moving the Mountain — William Dere, a third generation Chinese Canadian, in the process of tracing his family's past, investigates the effect of the racist Exclusion Act and the Head Tax on Chinese immigrants to Canada from early in this century. SBS, Monday, March 9, 11.10pm.

Oil and Terror — Quite recently, Colombia's Casanare region was one of the most peaceful in the country, until BP struck "black gold". Today guerillas and paramilitaries are locked in a vicious battle for the control of this oil-rich region, where protection is in the hands of the Colombian military, one of the world's worst human rights violators. SBS, Tuesday, March 10, 8pm.

Procedure 769 — How California's first execution in 25 years affected those who witnessed it. After a nerve-racking last-minute stay, Robert Alton finally walked to his execution on April 21, 1992. ABC-TV, Tuesday, March 10, 11.05pm.

Wildscreen: Reef Encounter — Underwater cameras capture one of the world's most spectacular coral reefs, off the coast of Borneo. ABC-TV, Wednesday, March 11, 8pm.

The Nazis: A warning from History — Examines the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 and shows how it proved to be the catalyst for a radical change in Nazi policy against Jews. ABC-TV, Thursday, March 12, 9.30pm.

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