By Kim Linden MELBOURNE — Professor Peter Singer, lead Senate candidate for the Greens in Victoria, has called on Democrats leader Cheryl Kernot to explain why she forced CEPU state secretary Len Cooper to withdraw Singer's invitation to speak at the rally against the privatisation of Telstra on February 15. Cooper had previously asked Singer to speak at the rally and he had accepted the invitation. Cooper then invited the Democrats leader, who said she would not speak if Singer was on the platform. He then withdraw Singer's invitation. Singer called Kernot's office and was told that it was Kernot's policy not to share a platform with the Greens. Singer said, "It is totally unethical for Senator Kernot to try to manipulate the debate so that the Greens do not get a hearing. This is dirty politics and we are deeply disappointed that the Democrats want to play the game in the same shabby way as the old parties."
Democrats snub Greens
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