Football fan groups vote to back ‘The Sun’ boycott

July 7, 2017
The decision by the fan groups comes after six people — including the senior police officer in charge on the day — were arrested over the infamous disaster in which 96 Liverpool fans were killed.

“Supporters of around 70 English football clubs have vowed to boycott The Sun over its coverage of the Hillsborough disaster,” The Independent said on July 3.

The decision by the fan groups comes after six people — including the senior police officer in charge on the day — were arrested over the infamous disaster in which 96 Liverpool fans were killed.

Coverage by The Sun infamously blamed Liverpool fans and included insulting lies about their alleged behaviour since proven to be entirely false.

The Independent said: “A motion passed unanimously by fans at the Football Supporters Federation (FSF) annual summit called on supporters to urge their clubs and retailers in their local area to stop selling the paper.”

FSF includes the fan groups of all English Premier League clubs.

The motion was moved by the Liverpool fan group Spirit of Shankly and seconded by the fan group of Merseyside rivals Everton.

Liverpool and Everton football clubs have already imposed a ban on Sun journalists and sales of the paper at their grounds.  Spirit of Shankly member Roy Bentham told The Canary they hoped clubs across the country would extend that ban across the country following the fan vote.

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