"Twenty-five and 30 years ago, like a lot of other Australians I was involved in actions and activities across this country [against US bases]. Of course you change your mind about some things over time, no one listening to this interview would expect otherwise. There would be many members on both front benches in parliament and people sitting in their bedrooms, in their lounge rooms and in the pubs today who had views when they were youths and their views have evolved over time. Mine have." — ALP frontbencher and former rock singer Peter Garrett telling journalists on February 15 that he "unreservedly" supported the new US military spy facility near Geraldton and the US-Australia military alliance. In 1982, Garrett's band, Midnight Oil, released a song "US forces", the first lines of which were "US forces give the nod/It's a setback for your country".
Garrett gives US forces the nod
February 16, 2007
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