Hunger strike against terror

February 3, 1993

Hunger strike against terror

By Alex Bainbridge

MELBOURNE — Ten women from the United Patriotic Women of Kurdistan began a hunger strike outside Parliament House here on January 25. The fast is in solidarity with a similar hunger strike by 15 Kurdish members of the European Parliament in Brussels and 500 other people throughout Europe.

The strike is against the terror campaign by the Turkish state against Kurds living in Turkey. Towns and villages have been burned and flattened, while Kurds have suffered shootings, mass arrests and forced migration.

According to a leaflet put out by the Victorian UPWK, "Nearly every day, journalists, doctors, lawyers, newsagents and people from all walks of life are gunned down in the street by contra guerilla squads".

The VUPWK can be contacted by phone (03) 484 2011, fax (03) 484 3628 or post: PO Box 115, Preston Vic 3072.

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